Urban Roastery APP

Briana's UX Portfolio Mockup phone


As a new coffee shop in the Cayman Islands, Urban Roastery wanted to stand out by offering their customers a modern and convenient way to place orders. However, with established competitors like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts already dominating the online ordering space, Urban Roastery needed an app that could deliver a similar level of convenience and efficiency without sacrificing their unique brand identity. The challenge was to create a seamless digital experience that would attract and retain customers while competing with industry giants.


To address this challenge, we designed an app that allows Urban Roastery customers to easily place orders online, similar to the functionality offered by Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. The app was developed with a focus on simplicity and user-friendliness, ensuring that even first-time users could navigate the interface with ease. By incorporating a streamlined ordering process and personalized features, we created a platform that not only meets customer expectations but also enhances the overall Urban Roastery experience.


  • Figma
  • Adobe XD


  • UX/UI Designer
  • Project Manager

My Role

  • Lead UX Designer
  • Conducted user research, wireframes, and prototypes.


2 months from concept to final design.


The app for Urban Roastery has not been released to the public yet, but initial usability tests provided positive feedback. Customers found the app easy to use and appreciated the convenience of placing orders online. Stakeholders are excited about the app’s potential and believe it will enhance the customer experience and drive sales.

Final Thoughts

The development of the Urban Roastery app focused on creating a seamless and user-friendly online ordering experience. By drawing inspiration from established brands like Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, we designed a platform that meets customer needs while staying true to Urban Roastery’s unique identity. As we move toward the app’s launch, we remain dedicated to refining the experience and ensuring its success in the market.

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I'm a Digital Creative,
who’s always down to collaborate.




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