Rocksteady Builders Website

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Rocksteady Build, a construction company, required their first-ever website to establish an online presence. They needed a modern, user-friendly landing page to showcase their portfolio and facilitate client consultations. The client also requested an extensive lead capture form to gather necessary information from potential clients.


I designed and developed a landing page from scratch that effectively showcased Rocksteady Build’s portfolio and provided an easy way for clients to contact them for consultations. The extensive form was broken into manageable steps to ensure a seamless user experience.


  • Design Software: Figma, Adobe Photoshop
  • Development Tools: HTML, CSS, Elementor, Gutenberg, WordPress
  • Project Management: Trello, Slack


As a standalone team member, I was responsible for every aspect of the project, from initial concept to final implementation.

My Role

I handled the entire project, including user research, wireframing, visual design, front-end development, and back-end development. Additionally, I implemented the design and ensured the website was fully functional and responsive.


  • Research & Planning:
    2 weeks
  • Wireframing & Prototyping: 2 weeks
  • Design & Development: 4 weeks
  • Testing & Launch: 2 weeks


  • Increased Engagement: Bounce rate decreased by 25%, and average session duration increased by 40%.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Consultation form submissions increased by 60%.
  • Positive User Feedback: Users reported an easy and enjoyable browsing experience.

Final Thoughts

Creating Rocksteady Build’s first website was a significant milestone for the company. Through user-centered design and careful attention to detail, I developed a site that not only looks great but also effectively drives business results. The client was highly satisfied with the modern design, user-friendly layout, and the effective lead capture form. This project laid a solid foundation for their online presence and future digital growth.

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I'm a Digital Creative,
who’s always down to collaborate.



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