
Kura Skin, an innovative startup in the skincare industry, aimed to establish itself as a luxury unisex brand. The company sought a branding redesign to create a sophisticated, inclusive identity that appeals to both men and women while highlighting the premium nature of their products. Our challenge was to craft a brand identity that reflects luxury, quality, and versatility, helping Kura Skin stand out in the competitive skincare market.


  • Establish a Luxury Unisex Identity: Develop a brand identity that conveys elegance and exclusivity, appealing to a diverse audience.
  • Enhance Brand Perception: Position Kura Skin as a high-end skincare brand that offers premium products for everyone.
  • Generate Positive Feedback: Create a compelling brand presence that resonates with consumers and garners positive responses.


To guide the branding redesign for Kura Skin, we conducted a thorough competitor analysis and gathered direct feedback from potential customers. We reviewed market leaders to understand current trends and identify opportunities for differentiation. Additionally, we engaged with individuals to gather their opinions on the product and their preferences for luxury skincare. This approach helped us refine Kura Skin’s brand identity, ensuring it resonates with the target audience and stands out in the market.


Based on our findings, we devised a branding strategy focused on the following elements:

    • Luxurious Elegance: Emphasizing a high-end, sophisticated aesthetic that appeals to both men and women.
    • Inclusivity: Creating a design that is universally appealing and communicates that the products are for everyone.
    • Premium Quality: Highlighting the superior quality and effectiveness of Kura Skin’s offerings through the visual identity.


  • Design Software: Figma
  • Project Management: Click Up
  • AdditionarTypekit/Google Fonts


As a standalone team member, I was responsible for every aspect of the project, from initial concept to final implementation.

My Role

As the sole designer and project manager, I independently managed and executed the entire Kura Skin branding project. This included conducting research, developing concepts, creating designs, and preparing all final assets.


  • Week 1: Research and strategy development
  • Week 2: Concept design and feedback
  • Week 3: Refinement and finalization
  • Week 4: Delivery and launch


The rebranding of Kura Skin has been a resounding success, achieving the following outcomes:

  • Elevated Brand Perception: The new luxury unisex identity has enhanced Kura Skin’s image as a premium skincare brand, receiving positive feedback from consumers.
  • Increased Market Interest: The sophisticated design has attracted attention from both men and women, leading to heightened interest and engagement.
  • Positive Consumer Feedback: The branding has resonated with the target audience, leading to encouraging responses and support for moving forward with the product.

Final Thoughts

The Kura Skin branding redesign has effectively positioned the startup as a luxury unisex skincare brand. The sophisticated and inclusive design has not only enhanced the brand’s market presence but also garnered positive feedback, paving the way for future success and growth. Kura Skin is now well-positioned to continue its journey with a strong, appealing identity that resonates with a diverse audience.

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