Christa Stephens Website


Christa Stephens is a highly skilled professional specializing in providing innovative solutions and expert guidance in her field. Her website,, serves as a dynamic platform to showcase her services, expertise, and unique approach. The site is designed to reflect her professional brand and connect with potential clients through a modern, user-friendly interface that highlights her offerings and enhances user engagement.


Christa Stephens needed to enhance her online presence and required a website redesign to better reflect her brand and engage with her audience. The goal was to create a more modern and professional look, add new pages, and improve overall user experience.


I redesigned and developed a new website for Christa Stephens that effectively showcased her brand, provided relevant information, and improved user engagement. The redesign included updating the visual design, enhancing the user interface, and adding new pages to better serve her audience.


  • Design Software: Figma, Adobe Photoshop
  • Development Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress
  • Project Management: Trello


  • Project Manager: Resonance Strategies
  • UX/UI Designer & Developer: Briana White

My Role

As the UX/UI Designer and Developer, I was responsible for the complete redesign of the website. This involved conducting user research, creating wireframes and high-fidelity mockups, and implementing the design.


  • Research & Planning: 2 weeks
  • Wireframing & Prototyping: 2 weeks
  • Design & Development: 4 weeks
  • Testing & Launch: 2 weeks

My Design Process

My design process involved continuous iteration, starting with user research, followed by wireframes, prototypes, and optimization, with constant refining and redesigning to achieve the final design.


User Research 

User Research



User Journey

Competitive Audit & Analysis







User Flow Mapping







Design Systems










Final Design

Final Design




Final Thoughts

User Research

We started the redesign of Christa Stephens’ website with a detailed heat map analysis of her existing site. This analysis helped us understand user behavior, highlighting which pages and features were most frequently visited. These insights played a crucial role in shaping our design approach.

With this data, we identified which pages to keep, remove, and how to optimize the site’s structure. The heat map guided our decisions on layout, ensuring that important content and navigation elements were placed where users naturally interacted. This research-driven process ensured a user-centered redesign.

Competitive Audit & Analysis

To ensure Christa Stephens’ website redesign would stand out, we conducted a thorough competitive audit. We analyzed several of her competitors, particularly those who were more successful in attracting and retaining clients. By studying their strategies, design elements, and user experiences, we identified key factors contributing to their success.

These insights served as a blueprint for the redesign, allowing us to incorporate proven strategies while maintaining Christa’s unique brand identity. This approach ensured the new website was competitive and aligned with industry standards, helping to boost her online presence.


Website Architecture

The website architecture was carefully structured to improve user navigation and content accessibility. Based on insights from the heat map analysis and competitive audit, we streamlined the site’s structure by prioritizing key pages and eliminating less valuable content. This approach ensured that users could easily find the most relevant information, enhancing their overall experience.

We also reorganized the site’s hierarchy to highlight Christa Stephens’ core services and expertise. Clear navigation paths and a logical flow were established to guide users through the site, making it intuitive and efficient. This architecture not only improved usability but also supported the website’s goals of increasing engagement and conversions.

Priority Features

We focused on implementing key features that would enhance user engagement and support her business goals. Priority was given to a clear, visually appealing homepage that immediately communicates her expertise and services. Additionally, we integrated an easy-to-navigate services section that allows potential clients to quickly find the information they need.

We also ensured that the contact and booking processes were seamless, with prominently placed calls-to-action throughout the site. This included an optimized contact form and direct links to scheduling tools. These priority features were designed to streamline the user journey, making it easier for visitors to engage with Christa’s offerings.


Wire-framing & Prototyping

The wireframing and prototyping phase was crucial in translating the research and planning into a functional design. We began by creating low-fidelity wireframes to map out the structure and layout of the website. These wireframes served as a blueprint, focusing on the placement of key elements and ensuring a logical flow of content.

Once the wireframes were validated, we moved on to high-fidelity prototypes, incorporating visual design and interactive elements. These prototypes allowed us to simulate the user experience, testing navigation and functionality before finalizing the design. This iterative process ensured that the website was both user-friendly and visually cohesive, aligning with Christa Stephens’ brand.


Testing & Iteration

The testing and iteration phase was integral to refining the website’s design. We conducted usability testing with real users to gather feedback on the website’s functionality and overall experience. This involved observing users as they navigated the site, interacted with various features, and provided insights into their experience.

Based on the feedback received, we made several iterations to address any issues and enhance the user experience. Adjustments were made to improve navigation, refine content placement, and ensure that all interactive elements functioned smoothly. This iterative process allowed us to continuously improve the design, ensuring that the final website was both user-friendly and effective in meeting Christa Stephens’ goals.


  • Enhanced Professionalism: The new design significantly improved the website’s professional look and feel.
  • Improved User Engagement: Bounce rate decreased by 20%, and average session duration increased by 35%.
  • Increased Functionality: Added new pages and features to better serve users.
  • Positive User Feedback: Users reported a more enjoyable and professional browsing experience.

Final Thoughts

The redesign of Christa Stephens’ website successfully met the project’s objectives. Through user-centered design and modern aesthetics, I created a site that not only looks professional but also effectively engages visitors. The collaboration with Resonance Strategies ensured a smooth project management process, leading to a final product that exceeded client expectations. This project significantly enhanced Christa Stephens’ online presence and positioned her for future digital success.

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