Christa Stephens Website


Christa Stephens, a professional seeking to enhance her online presence, required a website redesign to better reflect her brand and engage with her audience. The goal was to create a more modern and professional look, add new pages, and improve overall user experience. Resonance Strategies managed the project to ensure it met the client’s objectives.


I redesigned and developed a new website for Christa Stephens that effectively showcased her brand, provided relevant information, and improved user engagement. The redesign included updating the visual design, enhancing the user interface, and adding new pages to better serve her audience.


  • Design Software: Figma, Adobe Photoshop
  • Development Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress
  • Project Management: Trello


  • Project Manager: Resonance Strategies
  • UX/UI Designer & Developer: Briana White

My Role

As the UX/UI Designer and Developer, I was responsible for the complete redesign of the website. This involved conducting user research, creating wireframes and high-fidelity mockups, and implementing the design.


  • Research & Planning: 2 weeks
  • Wireframing & Prototyping: 2 weeks
  • Design & Development: 4 weeks
  • Testing & Launch: 2 weeks


  • Enhanced Professionalism: The new design significantly improved the website’s professional look and feel.
  • Improved User Engagement: Bounce rate decreased by 20%, and average session duration increased by 35%.
  • Increased Functionality: Added new pages and features to better serve users.
  • Positive User Feedback: Users reported a more enjoyable and professional browsing experience.

Final Thoughts

The redesign of Christa Stephens’ website successfully met the project’s objectives. Through user-centered design and modern aesthetics, I created a site that not only looks professional but also effectively engages visitors. The collaboration with Resonance Strategies ensured a smooth project management process, leading to a final product that exceeded client expectations. This project significantly enhanced Christa Stephens’ online presence and positioned her for future digital success.